Evidence-based diet and exercise.
Mason Hill in Mount Lawley.

Supporting you to make positive lasting change

With a degree in Nutrition, a Masters of Dietetics, and passion for helping people, I provide a framework to progress towards and past your goals. It is not just about lifting weights, it’s about supporting you with industry leading phasic nutrition, training, lifestyle, and mental health strategies for success.

See my client reviews, before and after photos and client testimonials below. When you are ready to make a change, I will give you the tools and support to make it happen. Contact me for an obligation free chat.

Body recomposition through in-depth knowledge of macro and micro-nutrient intake requirements

Interpretation of biological and physiological systems that relate to your needs and goals

Phasic clinical nutrition and sustainable, cyclical training systems to improve lean muscle mass, strength, and performance

Efficient strategies for body maintenance through high-performance periods

Sustainable, cyclical training systems to improve lean muscle mass, strength, and performance

Client-centered motivation and support

Nice to meet you, I'm Mason

I am an experienced performance coach with a passion for helping people reach their potential.  I’ve been training men and women, young and old, athletes and beginners for over a decade. I started my journey very early at the age of 10 and was writing and executing my own training programs by 14.

This passion for progression has followed me through my life and motivated me to improve my knowledge with a dedication to complete a degree and Masters in clinical nutrition. I meet clients and train in a modern, well equipped, community focused gym in Mount Lawley.

My qualifications include:

  • Bachelor of Science, Nutrition, Curtin University
  • Masters in Dietetics, Curtin University 
  • Accredited Personal Trainer (PT), Australian Institute of Fitness

Personal training in Mount Lawley

Crusher Incoporated
Crusher Incoporated
4 March 2024
Amazing program for beginners, and even those who’ve been going to gym for a couple years. He provides unique workouts that accommodate to any sort of training style and workloads, I would highly recommend it to anyone
18 January 2024
I've been a client of Mason for over 2 years, working with him on a weekly basis. Mason's approach is excellent, tactics and strategies in relation to my health goals are very well suited and I'm grateful he can look after an old fossil such as myself. Mason's PT sessions work in well with my overall gym program and he motivates me to perform. Results over the past year have been outstanding, not necessarily measured by weight reduction but rather factually measured via significant year on year improvements in results from general medical health check-ups via my GP. Thanks Mason!
Maddison Halloran
Maddison Halloran
18 January 2024
Mason is extremely knowledgeable with everything diet, health and fitness related. I have trained with him for a few years now and have seen great results whilst developing better habits and knowledge to sustain me into the future. He is also a very compassionate and understanding person so I have always felt supported throughout my time training with him. I will always recommend Mason to anyone in need of a great PT/ dietitian who you can rely on to guarantee results!!
Rod Worth
Rod Worth
12 January 2024
My favourite part of my gym sessions with Mason are when he gently sticks his fingers into the working muscle group so you know it's engaged. Thank you.
Thomas Cuthbert
Thomas Cuthbert
26 December 2023
Mason combines a passion for fitness with an evidence-based approach. His training plans, based on leading physiology theory, are optimised for strength progression and to keep you engaged. My overall strength has improved significantly; lifting objects previously too heavy for me has been a nice surprise!
Dean Murray
Dean Murray
12 December 2023
Best PT. Despite having more than 5 years’ lifting experience, Mason and I have drastically improved my performance in just 4 weeks of work. He’s provided programming and excellent nutritional advice that is fool-proof and easy to follow. I initially came to him with a shoulder issue that 2 physios and a GP had not been able to help me with for 6 months. Then the shoulder was fixed in one session with Mason. I look forward to achieving great health and wellness in addition to my performance and aesthetic goals with the big man.
Michelle Luca
Michelle Luca
11 December 2023
Mason is an absolute magician!! I highly recommend him!! Mason has helped me immensely throughout my fitness journey, he has been able to work around my injuries and increased my strength simultaneously which shows the amount of knowledge and practice experience he has in fitness and nutrition space! He is an absolute master at his profession!
Blake Lovelace
Blake Lovelace
11 December 2023
Started working with Mason when I reached my worst. Since then, theres been a drop of 7kg and a I’ve had a huge increase in muscle mass (I wasn’t lifting at all beforehand so had absolutely no muscle mass). I’m still only half way through my journey but I’m already way stronger than I thought I’d ever be. Mason has also always promoted realistic eating habits with a strong focus on sustainable change. Definitely recommend reaching out to Mason at any stage of your journey.
Jaeik Jeong
Jaeik Jeong
8 December 2023
I have been training with Mason for the past three months, and I can confidently say that he is the best personal trainer I have ever worked with. Despite my efforts, I struggled to build chest muscles over the last two years. Thanks to Mason's guidance, after just three months of training, my shirts have become too tight around my chest, and I find myself needing to buy new shirts and T-shirts. If you're looking to see significant improvements in your gym workouts, I highly recommend Mason to everyone.
Cheney Armstrong
Cheney Armstrong
8 December 2023
Mason has the perfect blend of knowledge and professionalism, whilst being able to push you to achieve your desired result. His training program is specifically tailored to my fitness goal and his nutrition advice has helped me to maintain and healthy life balance. With Masons guidance, I have lost nearly 7 kgs in 4 months and feel more confident within my body. I’d recommend Esoteric Bodies to anyone looking for a holistic approach to a long-term lifestyle change for the better!
Training with people of all ages, backgrounds and experience levels

Nutrition advice + Personal training + Support

Client Specific Programes

A personalised program based on your nutritional needs, physical ability, and goals. 

Evidence Based Advice

My programes are grounded in science and a decade of performance training. 

Clinical Nutrition

My education allows me to give clinical advice and guidance based on your nutritional needs. 

Support & Guidance

I feel honoured to help people thrive through positive change. You will recieve my wholehearted support and asssitance.

Our first step is to talk about your goals, obligation free

Or, fill in this form and I will get in touch

Phasic Clinical Nutrition

Phasic Training Programs

Evidence Based Practice

Client training success

Not everyone tracks their journey with before and after photos, but those that do get real satisfaction seeing the change to their physique. I will help you feel comfortable starting your journey, and will be here to support you along the way. 

Alex is a dedicated client with almost perfect consistancy. She has dropped almost 10% body mass, significantly increased muscle, and is hitting new personal bests on a weekly basis. 


Ambra achieved a 15% drop in body mass and has maintained this. 


Dlyan has achieved a 20% drop in body mass. Multiple phases of work, and an excellent example of commitment to strategy.


Through multiple phases of work James dropped 8% in body mass, and after a muscle gaining phase is now dropping further mass. 


Melissa achieved a 10% drop in body mass. One of my first clients all that time ago. Excellent commitment to strategy and consistancy. 


My best accomplishment was getting my Dad into the gym and working out. He trains by himself now, but we did some great work together. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Many of my clients have never trained before. At first training with a personal trainer may be intimidating. I’ve helped countless first timers get started. I will demistify diet and excersise for you, and introduce you to a fun and rewarding new part of life. 

Read 15 Benefits Only A Personal Trainer Can Provide

We discuss:

  • What motivates you 
  • What you want to achieve in your fitness journey in the short and long term
  • What sort of motivation doesn’t work for you
  • Your strengths and weaknesses
  • What areas of your body do you want to work on most
  • Also we will discuss injuries, limitations, pain, and anything else that could limit mobility. 
  • Losing weight
  • Building muscle
  • Toning
  • Increasing strength and flexibility
  • Improving mobility
  • Sleeping better
  • Eating healthier
  • Working towards a special event, such as a wedding or competition
  • Improving self confidence
  • Maintaining consistency
  • Overcoming specific nutritional deficiencies

I train at a large, modern, community focused gym in Mount Lawley. 

While the process for each person is unique, the foundation is to establish the mimimum amount of work required to achieve a significant result, and to compound that result over many weeks, with enjoyment and satisfaction key markers for success. 

I am degree qualified in Nutrition with a Masters Degree in Dietetics. Accredited as a Personal trainer and practicing Dietition. 

Costs depend on the amount and frequency of your sessions. My services are suitable for someone who can invest $75-$150 a week. 

Athletes typically have very specific nutrient and training requirements to excel throughout the various phases of their sport, which is highly individualised and requires constant evaluation. When nutrition and training are optimised for the individual, performance improves dramatically.

Lasting change comes from small incremental improvements, compounded over time. I will help you build a rhythm of training, incidental excercise and good nutrition, that will serve you for a lifetime of better health.

  • Peer Reviewed Publication on Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Interviewed on Nutrition Concepts Radio Station 882 6PR
  • Published Research for Public ASX Listed Company